Syrin Kisaragi

The Moral Grey Chronicler

The Gallery

JPN Voiceclaim- Lee Hyperreal
ENG Voiceclaim- Freddie Fox

Out of Character

Hey, thanks for dropping in! If you like what you see and feel compelled to add Syrin to your story, shoot a message my way; I'm sure we could come up with something exciting to tell! Feel free to shoot a message my way-- in or out of character.〖 Quick Notes About Me 〗
▹ I am 25+
▹ Discord & In-game. Just expect shorter and to the point posts in-game. (Unless you aren't bothered by wait times.)
▹ EST zone.
・.━━━━━ TWITTER ━━━━━━━━━━━━.・If you've gotten this far: Thank You! DM me your current favorite song. :D

RP Highlights

Story & Plot DrivenUnnecessary Godmodding
ERP [21+]*Strictly ERP Driven
Grim Dark, Horror, Mature Themes-
Longterm & Oneshots-
Action, Adventure, Romance-
Violence; blood, gore, injury-
Lore bending/expanding-

*About ERP...

I enjoy ERPing! I prefer the natural chemistry between characters to do the talking as opposed to forcing the scene into something out of character. Is your character a flirt and looking for a good time? Great! Try and whisk Syrin to bed and see how lucky it gets.

OC and OOC Boundaries.

I am not my character. Romancing Syrin the Explorer does not mean you are romancing Syrin the Guy Who Works Morning Shifts! Keep it separate.RP is a fun means to explore character tension and resolve through their stories. There shouldn't be a reason where what happens in story should be taken personally if we took precaution in our expectations going in. If there is an issue,
be sure there is communication.


【AGE】 25
【RACE】 Lominsa-Hingan Keeper / Xaela
【OCCUPATION】Lone Adventurer || Frontlines Champion || Veiled Omen
【ALIGNMENT】 True Neutral || Chaotic Evil
【HEIGHT】 5'5
【SCALE COLOR】Obsidian Black
【EYES】 Silver (R), Golden (L)
【HAIR】 Short, light peachy-pink
【MARKS】Scattered body cuts, deep back scar
【BUILD】 Svelte & fit physique, toned muscle definition


Not everyone is born with a gift. Some are beholden to a curse for others to worship— your existence entitled to a soul not your own. For profit, power, and, more importantly, control.One must be the most cunning to evade a dark destiny inscribed in blood. To have the endurance to defy and stay the wheel of fate, the strength to force it to favorable odds. Courage to look through the lens of damned truth, glimpsing the dark tides that would see you torn, and yet pursue this journey of Life with grace and integrity.Such joyousness is a sight to behold. Syrin cannot be allowed to hold splendors too close with too much fondness. How can a hunted man trust anyone, much less himself? Especially himself.No, it is best that he admire at a distance.


【 The Hunter 】
An adept seeker knows when and where to apply himself. Saint-like patience and cunning are practiced in equal measure, balanced by the need for resolve. Equanimity crowns Syrin's benevolence, poised strides ensure that he does not lose it so quick.
【 Grey Logos 】
There is right, wrong, and grey. Syrin balances on morality’s edge; only leaning one way or another based on the weights of "right" and self interest. His justifications are priority based. Doing everything he can to stay alive by any means necessary-- for the sake of his sister if nothing else-- out weighs all else. Though, he does not forsake the greater good and its people. Thus he finds himself practicing less conventional or unethical approaches so that no one else has to.
A good end is not always clean. And what Syrin asks for in return is not always safe. Fair trades are in order.【 Eager and Daring Ethos 】
Syrin's curiosities lead him down many paths full of query and characters; not all of whom are savory. Nonetheless, he chases the pursuit of knowledge like an undying thirst. Danger for growth and honing. Calculated risks for savoring enriched reward.
【 The Heat of Battle 】
Competitive or not, the practice of prowess in the field gives Syrin an adrenaline high. Act fast, think faster. The challenge of battles-- the test of mettle-- is something he actively seeks out and finds gratification in. Being viciously adept in combat as he is, Syrin's name is a likely candidate among hunt & security recommendations.
【 Arms Length 】
Alliances form in want of common goals. Friendships are tentatively forged, but are they deep? Love? It's not safe. Syrin is a man who does not wish to hurt but knows he deserves what comes.
【Guarded Heart】
Anger is the ultimate downfall and comes with vicious consequence. Love of anything is fodder to the curse. He cannot suffer to subject others to a heinous end. If there is to be suffering, it must be alone.
There is fear to be had in such darkness.


"It is not too late until I'm dead."
He won't rest until he finds her; he knows Vye is still out there. Somewhere. Alive. This he must believe, otherwise what has this all been for?
But can he escape these sinister jaws by the time he reaches her? From what foul spring does this evilness dwell?Questions to answer. In the meantime... Whilst fulfilling spiritual duty as a chronicler disciple, countless endeavors for the pursuit of knowledge and discovery carry him across the star.

RP Connections

Special Abilities

Syrin's main weapon, Harbinger.
Every battle he fights with it, the crystal blade absorbs the aetheric signatures composed by the circumstance. He may use it as an additional channeling source to spec abilities to a given element or by intensifying certain skill actions.
Blood Grip.
The aetheric nature of Syrin's blood and Dragoon prowess allows the Keeper exceptional control of the manipulation of aether within his body & soulbound property.
Locked In. [ Stat points ]
Deadly precision with high dosages of exceptional endurance and a healthy heaping of pain tolerance on the side. A target with a size or strength advantage will likely find themselves in a duel with a dancer who is most eager to bite for the throat and is intent on outlasting them until he does.
The Echo. [WIP!]
Syrin can detect the shift of aether within an individual. By attuning to such signatures and imprinting them upon himself, he gains a sense of how something maneuvers and has insight on how to replicate their actions. Perception bonus on those bound to voidsent.

【 HARBINGER】Skill amplification; double potency. Syrin taps into the soulbond link of his lance and draws from its bountiful aetheric reservoir.
【 CASE STUDY 】 Syrin hones in on observing a target. With OOC permission + roll mechanic, he uses all of his martial prowess to mimic the target's skill action. Performance efficiency is doubled if bond is strong or the skill is witnessed more than twice.
【VICIOUS PATHOSISM】 Soft enrage. Failing to resolve mechanics grants +1 Damage Up stacks (+Resolve & +Endurance for Syrin) over time at the cost of Restraint & Stability. Outlast this meter and live.
【 DRAGON'S MINSTREL 】 Enrage at 11 stacks or Opponent hp reaches 0. Arena-wide AoE.
【 Eldritch Interference 】Form Shift. --Ego & ++Malevolent ++Brutality
【 Phantasma】 Arena shift.
【 Cataclysm 】Hard Enrage.

{I thought having unique "hotbar/cooldowns" to reference in battle instances was a fun concept. Might develop this more down the road lol!}

Fun Facts & Detail

【Hell's Kitchen】 Syrin seems to sap the magic of flavor from any given dish he has the ill gotten job of having. Can't craft or gather properly, but he is exceptionally and spectacularly terrible in the kitchen.【Lightweight】Exceptional endurance in the field doesn't translate to alcohol well at all.【A Tongue for Taste】Love of food travels with him. It is a personal challenge of his to get a taste for any and every dish; no matter how spicy or tart those may be.【Forbidden Occult】There is a keen interest in obtaining tomes and relics of forbidden dark magic.【Thalassophobia 】He'll wade in the shallow end, thanks.【Voidsent Scares 】Being around voidsent raises all the hairs on his body. Saints' Wake is quite a holiday of terror for him.【Merchant's Son】Tending to his father's goods has allowed Syrin valuable insight on quality and determining legit from counterfeits.【Bentbranch Hand & Wailer】Syrin entered Gridania at a tender age and earned his place with the people as a chocobo hand. Once he became of age, he applied himself to the lance and became a Wood Wailer.【Chronological Diary】There are weekly, if not daily, records of personal experience that Syrin pens down in the name of Althyk.【Pet Sitter】 During downtime, Syrin can be seen with various creatures others have tasked him to looking after.【Ketenramm Fanboy】Huge fan of the legendary explorer extraordinaire. Easily his number one requested book topic in whatever new city he is at.【Name and Appearance】 Nothing about him is truly as is seems.

〖 Additionally... 〗
▹ Possesses the Echo.
▹ Unhealthy coping with rage.
▹ Aggressive drug & drink vice.
▹ Syrin has 20/20 vision. Though, he will always have one thing or another obscuring his vision.

Music Inspiration

〖 Honorable Mentions 〗
Chimera - ATOLS & Miku Hatsune
Fortune My Foe - Anonymous
Hunt or Be Hunted - Witcher 3
Sell Your Soul - Hollywood Undead
Voices - Motionless in White


Aether-sensitive Players: A thin veil of strange aether lingers on him like smoke.

Quest Giver: Is your OC scraping by? Poor, hungry, or need some extra pocket money? It could be worth your while to flag Syrin, there is a chance he has a mini-quest for you to earn some gil! Just begin your post with (! ! !) followed by your RP response as a signal to me.

【The Striking Polymath】 Have a beast or relic in need of hunting? Maybe there is a man that needs tracking or an incident that deserves more investigation. Maybe there is need for extra arms for dungeon crawling or in want of a worthy spar.
His abilities range from researching & investigations, battles & hunts, and infiltration operations.
【Shady Family Business】 Given the secretive nature of his father little is known about his business practices as a merchant. What CAN be deduced is its hushed nature and unsavory characters have a root to dark practices and corrupt crime. Said connections have found their way to grief Syrin.
Do you hold a grudge against a man who snuffed you out of a deal?
【Occult Forces】An obscure group of cultists are in hot pursuit of Syrin. While they have yet to discern his whereabouts, Syrin takes priority in learning as much about them whilst remaining undetected.
Have you encountered them? Are you with the cult? Are you being chased?
【Consequences of ?̸̭̘̺̅͘?̸̧͕̤̑?̵̠̦̓͐͒】 An incomplete ritual isn't without consequence.
Ⓐ Chaotic superego.
Ⓑ Blacking out with little to no recollection of what happens afterword. Temporary loss of control is typically followed by a mess.
Have you been attacked? Did you witness something you shouldn't have?
【Familiar Face】 There is a chance for him to be recognized...
{ORDINARY} Frontlines competitor, Explorer of adventures; takes up curious & dangerous quests, Relic hunter hire
{ELEVATED} Champion for hire, Primal and mark hunter, Scion of the Seventh Dawn member
{CRIMINAL} Occult relic acquirer, Spy for hire, Cult ties, Alternative personality
{RARE} Childhood & Wailer years, Early adventuring years
... And more! Let's chat about what we can make happen.